JULY 14, 2008
Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Rick Bates, Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette
This was an emergency meeting to discuss balancing the 2008 Public Safety budget by transferring money from other funds.
This meeting was held on one days public notice as the result of the Town Manager informing the Finance Committee on the afternoon of Thursday, July 10 that a decision was required on this issue before July 15th, necessitating an immediate meeting. The FinCom Chair polled FinCom members on Thursday afternoon about their availability for a Monday 7/14 meeting, and then contacted the Town Manager's secretary on Friday morning 7/11 to post the meeting, as is the usual protocol for posting FinCom meetings. However, the secretary was not working that day and the meeting was not posted.
Given the urgency of the deadline to approve the transfers and the minimal amount of money at issue, the FinCom Chair decided to hold the meeting as an emergency meeting. The FinCom briefly discussed this at the beginning of the 7/14/08 meeting and the consensus was that an emergency meeting was appropriate in this situation.
A general discussion of the Public Safety budget transfer issue was held.
Paul made a motion to approve a transfer of $5,000 from General Government to Public Safety and the transfer of $500 from Culture to Public Safety. Rick seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
No other discussion were held.
Adjourned 7:15PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Challenger, Chairman